Jim Lovell restarts his stalled car.
“So, I was looking at the kids’ school schedule coming up,” says Marilyn.
“Yeah?” says Jim.
“It’s a very busy week,” she continues.
“Yeah,” says Jim.
“I’m thinking about,” continues Marilyn, “not going to the launch.” Jim looks at her.
“Huh,” he says.
“The kids need me at home, Honey,” explains Marilyn.
“Marilyn,” says Jim, “We’ve had these kids for a while now. They’ve never kept you from coming to the other launches.”
“Yes,” says Marilyn, “but now we have your mother – – she’s just had this stroke…”
“Oh, Mom’s fine,” says Jim.
“Honey, it’s not like I’ve never been to a launch before. The other wives have not done three.” explains Marilyn. ” I just — I just don’t think I can go through all that.”
Jim looks at her again.
“I’ll just be glad when this one’s over,” says Marilyn.
“Well,” says Jim, “You’re going to miss a hell of a show.” Marilyn looks back at him.
Jim Lovell: Tom Hanks
Marilyn Lovell : Kathleen Quinlan